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Happy New Year!

Happy new year! 2021 is in the rearview mirror and there are so many wonderful opportunities ahead for 2022. For starters, I don’t say things like “our new normal” b/c the normal is always shifting, pandemic or not, but I think we are more aware of the effect of change. 2020 brought a sense of loss; loss of jobs, relationships, political climate, and lives all heightened and impacted by covid19. 2021 brought a sense of urgency to be with loved ones again, mend relationships, create a more defined career path, and attention to our personal finances. 2022 will be a year of thriving as many of us are more determined to see the things that are important to us come to reality. I open this newsletter with a quote by James Gorman because he is doing the public a huge favor by making us aware that rising interest rates should be expected but many do not know how to take advantage of the benefit of now.

What Do Rising Interest Rates Mean for Homeowners? 

1. If your current interest rate is above 3.5% you should consider a refinance now
2. If you have Heloc with a balance of $200,000 or greater you should consider consolidating with a refinance now b/c a higher rate could mean a much higher payment in the future
3. If you intend on using a cash-out refinance for future home improvements or padding your savings do it now and be sure you are disciplined with reserving the funds for their future intended purpose.
4. If you expect to acquire investment property do it now b/c rising rates will affect the property’s operating income and the cash in your pocket
5. If you are thinking of selling do not do so without having a full financial evaluation of the property to determine if selling or holding will benefit you best. ***not the same as comparative market analysis or CMA***

What Does Rising Interest Rates Mean for Buyers?

1. Buy Now!

•Evaluate all loan options with a reputable lender. Hint rocket mortgage is great for a refinance but terrible for a purchase. I know many people choose to go this route b/c their marketing is phenomenal but when compared to my lender who actually is a loan officer and not a licensed customer service agent, his ability to access multiple products and explain the pros and cons to the borrower coupled with the cost of the actual loan being significantly less is highly beneficial.
•Work with me and if you don’t work with me be sure your realtor has a proven strategy to help you buy your home and they aren’t just dragging you out to tour the latest listings that every buyer is looking at as well expecting you to pay x% above the asking price right out the gate. I have closed 3 sales in 2021 below the listed price & I have put 5 buyers in homes that weren’t even on the market. I do my best to save my buyer's money!
We are being given a gift of such public and advance notice thanks to 24-hour news reporting, social media, and the internet. Previously, only people who read the newspaper or watched nightly news were aware of the big swings in the financial world. Today, you have to be hiding under a rock buried in the sand deep below the ocean floor to not know that mortgage interest rates are rising along with all types of personal lending. This is where the benefit of homeownership comes in. Homeownership is supposed to create stability and opportunity for financial growth but it really can do way more than that. Real Estate can build substantial wealth.

What Exactly Am I Talking About?

My 30-year-old married couple will net approx $15,000 per year renting out their condo and if they put those proceeds into a traditional ira they will have close to $2mil at retirement. If they pay off the property in 15 years they will net approx $30,000 per year from the property which could be used for college tuition, stock market investments, additional real estate acquisitions, etc. The possibilities are nearly endless and we haven’t even discussed how much the property could appreciate over time and the potential benefits of tax strategies that could help them keep more of their paycheck. Do not get me started; this is my jam! This is just one way to have your real estate decisions support your current and future financial goals. I counsel homeowners often on how to make money with their real estate. Wealth doesn’t just happen. It takes discipline, strategy, and proper partnerships to grow your dollars and diversify your overall portfolio. True, I won’t earn as much in commission by encouraging homeowners to not sell their primary residence initially but I am helping people make wealth-driven decisions which will mean more real estate purchases and referrals in the future for me. The long-game strategy in real estate allows for lower risk and steady growth. The short game is far riskier and works well for those who have no issue with losing it all either because they have the financial portfolio to absorb the loss or b/c they find joy in rebuilding. I once had a boss who told me she works better when she is severely in debt. What. she likes drama!
So. 2022 is the year when smart real estate decisions should be made. Call me and let’s get started on your wealth-building plan.
Aeysha Corio

About the Author


Aeysha Corio combines technology and real estate expertise, with nearly two decades in property valuation. She takes a data-driven, client-focused approach to buying and selling homes. An active community volunteer, she supports local charities and initiatives. In her free time, she enjoys trail running, tennis, cooking, and traveling with her family.

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